Procedural justice

Partners in Force? Understanding Police Use of Force from a Network Perspective

**Objectives**: The importance of peer relations is rooted in decades of policing research; however, scholars have largely overlooked the role of peers in officers’ use-of-force behaviors. The current study investigates the “connected” nature of …

An examination of the City of Omaha’s Restorative Justice Diversion Program: Final report

Does Procedural Justice Reduce the Harmful Effects of Perceived Ineffectiveness on Police Legitimacy?

**Objectives**: Judgments about police procedural fairness consistently have a stronger influence on how the public ascribes legitimacy to the police than evaluations of police effectiveness. What remains largely underexplored, however, is the …

Attitudinal changes toward bodyworn cameras: Perceptions of cameras, organizational justice, and procedural justice among volunteer and mandated officers

Little is known about officer perceptions of body-worn cameras (BWCs), and whether perceptions change following implementation within their agencies. BWC deployment varies, with some agencies mandating officers to wear BWCs and others using …